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Wednesday, July 8, 2015


I cannot believe that we are in the month of July, it was just Xmas and now we are  1/2 way through the year.
I have always had canaries but for the last 6 or so years have had none, so I ordered a cage and yesterday I went and bought 5 male canaries. I have a red one, yellow with gray, yellow with pale orange and two others.  They are chirping but have not broken into song yet, so I am anxiously waiting for them to break out in song.
I have been knitting and have made 5 pairs of socks, I finally learnt how to make a sock and now I am making 2 at a time from the toe up.  I feel like I climbed a mountain learning to make socks, and I enjoy making them.
Right now I am crocheting a large pineapple doily, and about 3/4 of the way through, it has been a challenge the directions were not written well and at times were very confusing.
I have not worked on embroidery for quite a while, since I have been so consumed with learning how, and knitting socks.
Our weather was real hot and very humid for a few weeks, and today we were about 79 deg. so it was very comfortable, we have had a marine layer from the ocean keeping our temps down.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to everyone, I hope Santa was good to everyone, and may you have a Joyous and blessed New Year.

Friday, November 21, 2014

I have crocheted quite a bit and here is a pink shawl, and some pot holders I made for all my family, and I also crocheted around a tea towel and made it into an apron.

A Hussif I made with my favorite color, yellow.  Holds needles and pins and sewing tools.